14,765 research outputs found

    A method for the automated Raman spectra acquisition.

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    Raman spectroscopy is a very powerful analytical technique with an increasing acceptance in the scientific community. For theoptimization of the Raman acquisition, two main parameters, the integration time and the number of accumulations, need tobe adjusted to the sample under analysis, as the sample, or even different spots on the same sample, can provide very differentRaman responses one from another. In this paper, we present a suite of algorithms to automate the acquisition parameteradjustment to the sample under analysis, addressing issues such as spectral saturation, fluorescence, cosmic ray detection andremoval, and adjustment of the acquisition parameters to optimize the acquired spectral data. This suite has been developedin the framework of the Raman Laser Spectrometer (RLS) instrument development for the Exomars mission but can be appliedto any Raman spectrometer. This will allow the spectrometer to adapt to the characteristics of the sample that is being analyzed,optimizing the total operative time, while improving the usability and overall efficiency of the system. Copyright © 2017 JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd.MINECO ESP2014-56138-C3-1-

    Sobre los verbos umbílicos de la semántica topológica

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    In this paper we propose a verbs classification from the Topological Semantic. A distinction is made between semiophysic verbs, mainly linked to «world behaviors» and non-semiophysic verbs, which are generally metalinguistic. Among the semiophysic verbs, we essentially deal with parabolic, elliptic and hyperbolic-type verbs

    El impuesto sobre los grandes establecimientos comerciales quince años despueslas sombras de este tributo ambiental a la luz del derecho comunitario

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    El impuesto autonómico sobre grandes establecimientos comerciales, que acaba de cumplir quince años, ha vivido desde su aprobación en una constante polémica que comenzó con las dudas sobre su constitucionalidad. Una vez resueltas éstas por el Tribunal Constitucional, ha surgido la controversia sobre su validez a la luz del derecho de la Unión Europea y, más en concreto, en relación al importante derecho de libertad de establecimiento y el régimen de ayudas de estado, que ha finalizado con el planteamiento de una cuestión prejudicial al Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea por parte del Tribunal Supremo, y las advertencias de la Comisión Europea al respecto. En el presente artículo pretende efectuarse una panorámica general del impuesto para, seguidamente, confrontarlo con el derecho de la Unión Europea, a fin de valorar la oportunidad de su mantenimiento o supresión. The tax on large commercial establishments rated by the Spanish Autonomous Communities 15 years ago has gone through constant controversy ever since it was approved, when certain doubts about its constitutionality made a start. Once these doubts have been deemed by the Constitutional Court, a new controversy over the tax validity has risen up in the light of the European Union Law, specially when it comes to the important right of freedom of establishment and State aid, which has been terminated with the proposal of a preliminary question by the Spanish Supreme Court to the Court of Justice of the European Union and notices given by the European Commission to this respect. This article tries to complete a sweeping study of this tax comparing it with the European Union Law, in order to value the possibility of preserving or eliminating it

    L Avventura: Emotions, engagement and inconclusiveness of an experimental plot

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    [EN] This article examines Michelangelo Antonioni's L'Avventura offering a new discussion of its narrative value, exploring the role of emotions and cognition in narrative, and their interaction. We believe the results of this study could reshape the current understanding of the film's main aesthetic properties. We agree with some of the main characteristics outlined previously by scholars and critics, regarding not only the film's plot structure but also its main stylistic features. In our view, the different hypotheses that spectators may be encouraged to formulate while watching the film are central to their aesthetic and critical experience. Our analysis of the whole set of narrative disruptions points to the conclusion that films achieves a convergence and interaction between the elicitation of active aesthetic reflection and the elicitation of active social reflection in a way that had never been done before.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad. Gobierno de Espana [Theoretical Innovation Strategies in the Analysis of Narration in Television Series (CSO2014-51872-R).].Pérez López, HJ.; Canet Centellas, FJ. (2018). L Avventura: Emotions, engagement and inconclusiveness of an experimental plot. Cogent Arts & Humanities. 5(1):1-13. https://doi.org/10.1080/23311983.2018.14786971135

    Application of artificial intelligence to refrigeration systems

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    Refrigeration systems currently use 20% of the total electrical energy, and this consumption is expected to increase by more than 30% between now and 2050. The optimization of these systems makes it possible to minimize CO2 emissions, increase energy efficiency and reduce costs. However, refrigeration system optimization problems are complex and time consuming. This is where sensorization and artificial intelligence come into play. Not many years ago, refrigeration systems were controlled with analog thermostats, and centralized supervision by SCADA systems using the data from sensors. Currently, we are in a completely digitized world thanks to massive sensorization, which is possible due to the development of the IoT (Internet of Things). The fundamental premise of the IoT is to connect the unconnectable by enabling new services and experiences. Complex machines and systems such as refrigeration systems can be measured comprehensively, down to the component level, and their data streams studied in real-time analysis systems. In this case, artificial intelligence can take the data to drive decision-making

    An Expert Systems for Homeopatic Glaucoma Treatment (SEHO)

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    In this article, an Expert System for Homeopathic Glaucoma Treatment (SEHO) is presented, the task of which is to assist ophthalmologists in selecting the most appropriate therapy for a patient diagnosed as having glaucoma. It is based on techniques proper to homeopathic medicine, a trend that is gaining more and more supporters all over the world, but in which real experts are few and far between. After a brief overview of the state of the art, the authors describe in detail on the development of the system, for which the IDEAL methodology, designed for knowledge-based system development, was used

    Desarrollo de herramientas de Realidad Aumentada como complemento al aprendizaje en el ámbito de la Ingeniería Marina

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    El presente trabajo desarrolla una sencilla herramienta que ayuda a la comprensión y aprendizaje del funcionamiento y características de una turbina de vapor mediante el sistema de Realidad Aumentada